If you are interested in receiving financial aid or scholarships, be sure to file the FAFSA as soon as possible. Our school code is 003827.
We know that the sudden transition to online learning can cause some wrinkles in dealing with coursework. That’s why WVU Tech is permanently reducing the minimum grade point average for all merit-based scholarships to 2.75 (from the standard 3.0), making it easier for students to meet the requirements during this time. However, students will still need to earn 30 hours per academic year (including summer term) to maintain their eligibility. This adjustment applies to all levels of the First-time Resident and Non-Resident Freshmen Scholarships; the STEM Nonresident and International First-year Student Scholarship; and the Resident and Non-Resident Transfer and STEM International Transfer Student Scholarships. For information about criteria related to all other scholarships, or if you have questions about this adjustment, contact our financial aid staff. They’re here to help.
And if you find yourself struggling with a course while working online, don’t forget that WVU Tech is offering free virtual tutoring services. You can sign up at studentsuccesscenter.wvutech.edu/tutoring.
Check out our video on Financial Aid essentials